Just Interesting

The “glossy magazine” category. Nothing too deep.

I have a (hopefully short) fascination with selfies and the templated, iconic  poses that people use like symbols. I scanned a whole bunch using only black and white to see how simple the image can get and still easily be understood. The answer is pretty damn simple. These things are branding or logos to make us  instantly recognizable to the “customers” browsing and swiping.

(Blue steel, Ferrari, Le Tigre, and Magnum are the names of poses from Zoolander.)


The Landlord’s Game is a board game patented in 1904 by Elizabeth Magie. The game was created to be a “practical demonstration of the present system of land grabbing with all its usual outcomes and consequences”


Presented as a public service: Know the signs!

Icelandic Magic: Is it Weird? Yes. If you have a any doubts, read about Necro-Pants.

Sexualizing an innocent strawberry.




The blessing of Saint Doggo be upon ye.

I suspect there are interesting things behind some of these.

It’s not hard to figure out what I’m feeling.


And now, this.

