My Blog is organized by time, my webzine, “Reconnaissance” is organized by category, and this page is a fun-sized snack-pack of delicious, crunchy random posts. Every time you reload the page (Hit F5) you’ll be served six random posts.

The Descent of Darwin: Part 1 – Survival of the Best Connected

“Who trusted God was love indeed And love, Creation’s final law. Tho’ Nature, red in tooth and claw With ravine, shriek’d against his creed. ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson’s In Memoriam A. H. H., 1850. No human creation grows in isolation from the culture around it or from the deeper rules of our species. Science isn’t […]

Plot Twist

Humans are in a symbiotic relationship with another species. Without this relationship, modern people would not exist. The only thing that really separates us from other species is our shapeshifting survival strategy. Most animals have a survival strategy that sets like concrete into a virtual job description. The job description includes what food you eat, […]

Lost with Strangers

The act of eventually telling the truth about something bad and shameful is an interesting bargain. We willingly exchange the state of being a worse person who is seen as better one, for the state of being a better person, who is seen as a worse one. That is, we go from being an immoral […]

Travels with My Nose

You contain a 3D sensory map of your life. It is constructed in real-time and space as you move, as you, the pen tip, extend the map. An adult’s map would look like the busy tangle of way-points in the narrative-line of a child’s drawing. You know, the drawn line that accompanies “Then, they went […]

Reality Weather considered, part 1.

“My own suspicion is that the Universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose.” -J. B. S. Haldane How do these days taste to you? How do they feel, literally in your heart? Do they sit with you, whispering confused thoughts? Do they weigh on your stomach like a […]

Naked 4: Wake The Fuck Up! (This series will be way better read from beginning to end, rather than end to beginning.) A little context: I’m not mindlessly arguing for relentless, hurried personal change for everyone. That sounds awful. This is a naggy but loving pep talk for people feeling very stuck. Life is Trouble Life is a constant struggle […]

