(with inspiration from the brilliant Robert Anton Wilson)

Add the next term to the series:

  1. Walk
  2. Ride horseback
  3. Fly by jet
  4. ______________

A certain job can be performed either by a human or a machine. We should

  1. Employ the human because “the devil makes work for idle hands.”
  2. Employ the human because otherwise he or she might be bored
  3. Employ the human because there is no way to organize society except by having most people work for wages
  4. Employ the machine because technology has no function other than to free people from toil.

Add the next term to the series:

  1. Hunt and gather
  2. Farm
  3. Industry-commerce
  4. ___________________

There is a magic machine with two buttons, each of which will create equality among humans. You will push

  1. The button that makes everybody equally poor
  2. The button that makes everybody equally rich

Working for wages

  1. Has always existed and always will exist
  2. Is ordained by God
  3. Did not appear on large scale until the Enclosure Acts drove the serfs off the land in the past 300 years
  4. Will become obsolete in the next 100 years
  5. Will become obsolete in the next 10 years

The best way to search for Higher Intelligence is to

  1. Find the right religion
  2. Support the search for radio signals from advanced civilizations in the galaxy;
  3. Investigate UFO’s
  4. Research our own nervous system
  5. Build a starship and go looking.
  6. Other

Add the next term to the series:

  1. Black Pride
  2. Women’s Liberation
  3. Gay Pride
  4. _______________



